Happy 150th blog post guys! I was struggling to come up with an idea for this article. I came across a few "Meet The Blogger" posts, and I thought they were interesting! I've done these before, back when I was at my 50th post, but I thought I could try again since I've gained a larger following now! I've created a list of 40 questions for my 150th celebration so I hope you enjoy reading them!
Before I start though, I'd like to make a shoutout to this company I am teaming up with. The company is called Handcrafted by John, and he makes custom flags. Built to last any weather! Perfect present for a loved one or for your household! Plus, we should support all small businesses. I recommend checking his website (click the image on your left). If you get one, remember to mention my blog, Young Patriot Rising, to get a discount! Now, onto the questions!
- Introvert or extrovert? Definitely both! I can be out there, and I will keep to myself. Depends on the situation.
- Right handed or left handed? Right handed!
- Do you have any nicknames? Han, Hannah Banana, Hannie.
- Any siblings? Yep, a sister and brother. Both younger than me.
- Coffee or tea? Y'all damn well know coffee. #StarbucksQueen But I like to drink a cup of tea almost every night.
- Where did you go to school? What did you study? I attended community college to get my Associate's in Arts degree, then transferred to UF to finish my Bachelor's. I studied Business Administration with an area of specialization AND minor in Communication Studies.
- Any allergies? I can't have dairy, and seasonal allergies (which are horrible right now).
- Who was your favorite interview? Definitely the one I did with Mahgdalen Rose! I've been a fan of hers for a long time, and not only did I get to speak freely with someone so likeminded, but I even learned something new!
- What movie do I watch over and over? Any of the Harry Potter, Rocky, or Rambo movies!
- Favorite movie, song, book and hobby? Movie: First Blood; Book: Lord of the Rings; Hobby: Blogging, posting about Starbucks or listening to music; Song: Forever After All by Luke Combs and Body Language by Blake Shelton
- What's your taste in music? All over the place! My go-to's are country and Bollywood, but I listen to anything as long as it's got a good beat. I'm not picky.
- Dogs or cats? Dogs. How is that a question?!
- Favorite concert I've been to? Who would you want to see? Definitely between Blake Shelton and Florida Georgia Line. Blake is my favorite singer of all time, but FGL were great and had awesome guests like Dan + Shay and Morgan Wallen, so I had a blast! I'm going to see Blake in concert again in September and I'm so excited!! Right now, I'd love to see Chris Young, Luke Bryan and Luke Combs in concert.
- Do you still watch cartoons? Yes, that's probably my go to for shows.
- Did you have braces? Yeah, years ago.
- Have you met a celebrity? I've met many of the mainstream conservative "celebrities," but some big ones I met were Tobymac and Tim Tebow. Tim was awesome to meet because I've been a fan of his since I moved to Florida when I was 5.
- Favorite social media platform? That's a tough one! All of them have their uses.
- Do you prefer being inside or outside? My family has a farm so I really don't have the choice. I'm outside working every day, but I love being outside with the animals. Having my allergies act up is a pain, but the animals (specifically my goats and wild deers) make it worthwhile.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Yes, I have earrings and two tattoos.
- Most overrated/underrated country singer? Overrated: Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton, Brad Paisley. Underrated: Chris Young, Jon Pardi, Brett Eldredge, and I'd even say Blake Shelton.
- Favorite smells? Freshly brewed coffee! I love walking into a Starbucks and smelling the coffee! When I had Covid and went one day (don't worry, I wore a mask and ordered online so I wouldn't be in anyone's face), I couldn't smell anything. I was ready to cry. I also like the smell of bacon!
- Favorite YouTube channels? I love watching Milperthusky, Tucker Budzyn, VoxTea, and Teabang. The first two are dog channels, and the other two are compilation pages of mukbangers/ASMR.
- Favorite actor(s)? Sylvester Stallone, Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Rishi Kapoor. If you didn't guess, the ones after Stallone are Bollywood (although Sly was in a Bollywood movie!). I used to like Paul Walker until I discovered what his "dating preferences" were. If you want to know what I mean, Google "Paul Walker's fiancee" and you'll see why I can't look at him the same way.
- Do you have any bad habits? I tend to get easily distracted. I'll do one thing, then go to another thing, then go to another thing, and never finish what I originally started. I've been trying to stay more concentrated on the one task I'm doing before moving on. Sometimes it works!
- What would your dream job be? Veterinarian. If I wasn't so allergic to animals, I'd love to do this. Or an actor. I used to love doing plays in drama club and I'm great at speaking.
- What color are your eyes? Light brown. Jaco Booyens called me "Hannah with the pretty eyes."
- Favorite junk food place? Starbucks (if that counts) or Chick-fil-A.
- What were your favorite articles to write here? One I really think is an underrated post was the accomplishments and failures of President Trump. I thought I did really well with that article! As for the rest, I think any of my articles about human trafficking were amazing. I don't say "amazing" because of my writing skills, but because I've educated so many on this topic. I've exposed others to what no one will focus on. I also liked the one about John Money because I was just in shock by what I learned.
- Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? I have really been wanting to visit the Governor's mansion, so I'm thinking that will be my birthday! Probably see the state Capitol, and learn more about the great state of Florida.
- Did you ever lose a friend because of politics? Unfortunately, yes. I think everyone lost friends over the 2016 election. One was my best friends from high school, and I was super close with her. I knew she was a liberal and an atheist, but she was my friend so it didn't matter. But she became distant as I became outspoken on my beliefs. Next thing I knew, she stopped talking to me altogether and unfollowed me on Facebook and Instagram. That hurt. Another time, this girl who was a grade or two above me during high school, got into an argument with me when I praised Trump for declaring Antifa a terrorist organization "but not the KKK." We went back and forth, and to be honest, I thought it was a good debate. I held no ill will, but then she blocked me. That hurt too, because I looked up to her in high school because she was very friendly with everyone.
- What was it like growing up as the oldest? I definitely had more responsibilities as the oldest, since I had to set an example to my sister. In addition, I had to step up to help take care of my brother. Because of him, I was always more mature than those my age. I didn't act like them because my mind was always on Joshua's wellbeing.
- Do you have a motto? I'd say my main motto is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you'd want to them to do unto you." I treat people the way they treat me. When you meet me, I'm no different than when I'm at home. I act like myself. Even my principal in high school said the word that comes to her when she thinks of me is genuine, and that's because what you see is what you get. I treat people with respect and kindness unless they treat me badly.
- Who inspires you? My parents first off. They've always been my role models. I'd also say Sylvester Stallone is a big inspiration because I've always found his story to be amazing. Tim Tebow is another. He gets all this crap for being a Christian, but he doesn't use his fame/resources to get people to feel sorry for him or push a political message. Instead, he uses it to help fight human trafficking and celebrate those with disabilities. He and Jaco Booyens have been my main inspiration to fight human trafficking.
- Did you play any sports? Only cheerleading!
- Which famous person in history would you want to spend the day with? I'd love to have met Johnny Cash when he was alive. His story is remarkable, and I've known his music since I was little. I saw the Reelz documentary, Johnny Cash: Road To Redemption, and it made me remember how much I admired him.
- When is a good time for iced coffee? ANYTIME. It's never too cold or too hot to have an iced coffee.
- What’s the most unusual place you’ve fallen asleep? In high school, all the cheerleaders and basketball players were on the bus to a game, and it was far. Like an hour or two. I was super tired, so I dozed off. I thought I fell asleep on my backpack, and put my arm around it. Then it hit me "Wait, my backpack is near my leg. What am I sleeping on?" Turns out, I was sleeping on another cheerleader's shoulder. I was so embarrassed. I must've apologized 1000 times, but she was super cool and didn't mind.
- Where can someone find you at a party? Probably chatting it up with someone I don't know. I tend to be a social butterfly.
- Favorite high school/college memory? High school: The senior trip we took. It was to the Bahamas and Coco Cay. I had so much fun there, and it was the one time my classmates included me in their activities, since I was never popular. College: There's a few! Definitely being involved in the different club. Despite my dislike for TPUSA now, I did enjoy the people I met in that club. I also liked being part of College Republicans and hearing different speakers there. I was part of Christian Business Leaders and I loved the people there. I actually saw the President of the club at graduation (he was graduating too), and we hugged and took pictures together.
- Favorite place to get coffee and favorite/hated drink? Y'all already know I'm gonna say Starbucks. My favorite drink would either the iced guava passionfruit drink, dragon drink, or the strawberry and crème Frappuccino with java chips, which tastes like chocolate covered strawberries (or even the Java Chip Frappuccino!). Least favorite would definitely be the iced chai tea latte. Waaayyyy too strong for my liking. The spices were too much!
- What weird food combinations do you really enjoy? Funyuns and cream cheese. If you haven't tried it, you NEED to.
- Who was your craziest/most interesting teacher? Definitely my Entrepreneurship professor! He's been very supportive about what I'm doing in politics. He's been a great mentor for me. I hated that Covid put everything online, because I couldn't visit this professor since school was closed. I would visit every so often to talk about life, politics, you name it! I didn't even see him for graduation, so it's been over a year since I last saw him. He's a weird dude, but in a good way weird.
- What makes me roll my eyes? Whenever people question why I won't wear a mask anymore, it gets under my skin. None of you business, that's why!
- If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator? The French narrator from Spongebob. I love that guy, which is funny because it's the same guy who voices Spongebob!
- Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money? I donate to Let Them Live, a prolife organization that helps pregnant (and nursing) mothers in need with whatever items needed. I also intend on donating to Tim Tebow's foundation, as they are big advocates in the fight against human trafficking.
- What goal do you think humanity is not focused enough on achieving? Ending human sex trafficking. I know I say this a lot, but there's not enough focus. Why don't we talk about how the pandemic and lockdowns enabled human trafficking? Why don't we talk about (via Eliza Bleu's Twitter) how "half of online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases last year occurred on Facebook" (according to the Human Trafficking Institute's 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report). When will we talk about this, or make it known enough to end this?!
- What's the best compliment you've received? Just yesterday, I was at Starbucks and this older woman was coming out so I opened back the door for her, and she's like "Oh aren't you pretty!" Then thanked me for holding the door open, and it was just so sweet and surprising she said that.
- What’s the most beautiful beach you’ve been to? Living in Florida, we have many. I'd definitely have to say Amelia Island was the prettiest, but Ormond is pretty nice too!
- What topic could you spend hours talking about? Literally everything happening in politics right now, the border crisis, ending human trafficking, Blake Shelton's amazing voice, or anything related to Sylvester Stallone.
- Was this post hard to do? Not really, thanks to Google!
I hope you liked this list of questions! I thought I could get a little more personal with you guys on this article! Here's to more successful posts, and I'll be thinking of ideas for when I hit #200! I have created my own newsletter as well! I'm currently working on that, and I hope to send out my first letter this weekend! Send me an email at young.patriotrising@gmail.com to get added to my email list!
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