What happened to cause Britney to lose her basic freedoms? You might remember Spears' "mental breakdowns” when she shaved her head, hit a photographer's car, etc. Britney was placed in a psychiatric hospital, which is also known as a "5150 hold" in California. Due to these breakdowns, Britney's father, James, told courts to give him a temporary conservatorship for Britney.
A conservatorship is defined as a legal guardianship. Britney cannot make any financial, business, or personal decisions. Everything must be done through the courts or her legal guardian (her father and his attorney). This is what created the #FreeBritney movement in 2009. Later on, the attorney resigns from his role as co-conservator to Britney, leaving all decisions to her father. He later gave the responsibility of watching her personal life to someone else, but he remains in charge of her finances.
For the sake of article length, I'll leave it to you to read the rest of her story. What became eye-opening was Britney began to ask courts to remove her dad as her conservator. This was for the last year or two. Come to the present, Spears provided a four-page document telling her experience of how she's been abused and treated horribly by those supposedly caring for her for the last 13 years.
She described how her father and doctors signed off on her being put on Lithium. "Lithium is a very, very strong and completely different medication compared to what I was used to taking. You can go mentally impaired if you take too much, if you stay on it longer than five months," Britney says. Her family, knowing the drug was hurting her, sent her to a "rehab" to get her fixed, and she likens that experience to being sex trafficked. Read the full statement to learn how.
Britney heartbreakingly says her conservatorship is mentally draining. "I am telling you the truth, okay, I’m not happy. I can’t sleep. I’m so angry it’s insane. And I’m depressed. I cry every day." She continues, "Basically, this conservatorship is doing me WAY more harm than good. I deserve to have a life. I’ve worked my whole life. I deserve to have a 2–3-year break to just do what I wanna do. I’m tired of feeling alone. I deserve to have the same rights as anybody else and I deserve to have a child and a family, any of those things." She begged to have control of her own life.
I can't imagine anyone supporting what Britney is going through. Imagine being an almost 40-year-old woman who is told she can't control HER money, be with HER children, marry someone SHE loves, or have kids with that person. It's evil. Like, Britney was forced to have an IUD put in her, and only her doctor can remove it, which her father has to agree to (which he hasn't). I still can't wrap my head around the IUD story.Many celebrities have supported Britney since the story broke. Singer Justin Timberlake stated everyone should support Britney. Timberlake states, "No one should EVER be held against their will… or ever have to ask permission to access everything they've worked so hard for."
Actress Rose McGowan appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and told Tucker "That fame and Hollywood and the media machine are rotten to the core, and they do hurt and they do damage." Rose also claims that Britney Spears' father "paid off doctor to diagnose his then 25-year-old daughter with dementia," during her interview with Fox News. That shocked me. What 25-year-old with dementia can perform 2 shows?

Britney's sister, Jamie Lynn, recently came out in support of Britney.
It's sad to see what becomes of child actors/singers like Britney. I do believe she was exploited and I’m willing to bet Spears was trafficked (knowing what I know about human trafficking). I see people making the correlation between Britney's situation and mask wearing (i.e. not having control of your own body). I see the point people make, but you shouldn't use a woman's suffering to make that point. What’s happening to Britney is a travesty. Her father and anyone involved with him needs to be held accountable. While Britney entertained many, she was suffering in silence. With how much support there is in Hollywood for #MeToo, there should be consideration for what Britney is going through. She should be able to live her own life and be happy. #FreeBritneySpears
Update: Britney's request to remove her conservatorship has been shot down by the judge. (Source: Fox News) but since this, four Republican Congresspeople have contacted Britney to speak to Congress about her conservatorship (via Business Insider). Interesting to hear, considering Democrats are considered pro-woman and Republicans aren't.
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