The Damaging Effects Porn Addiction Has on Your Brain, According to Ted Bundy

Ted's final interview 
with Dr. James Dobson

A few days ago, someone sent me a post on Ted Bundy's final thoughts in an interview before his execution. While speaking with Dr. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, Bundy explained his connection to pornography, and used this as a reason for why he killed all those women. This brings on an interesting conversation, because while we shouldn't take the words of a deranged serial killer as truth, what he says about pornography's effects on the mind are, in fact, true. 

My sister and I went through a true crime phase for many years. The serial killer that intrigued my sister the most was Jeffery Dahmer. Ironically, for me, it was Ted Bundy. I saw all the documentaries on him.

Related: The Harms of Children Consuming Pornography

Reverend Dobson questioned Bundy on when he first discovered pornography, which Bundy states was at a young age (potentially 12 or 13). He then shares how his initial discovery of porn, which was soft pornography, then escalated to hardcore pornography. Bundy shared the following, when asked by Dobson at what point he decided to act out the sexual content he watched/read: "My experience with pornography generally, but with pornography that deals on a violent level with sexuality, is once you become addicted to it, and I look at this as a kind of addiction like other kinds of addiction, I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material." 

Bundy continues, "Like an addiction, you keep craving something that is harder, harder, something which gives you a greater sense of excitement. Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping off point where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give you that which is beyond just reading it or looking at it."

Now, you may read this and think to yourself, "Why would we take the words of a deranged serial killer as truth?" Ted Bundy is not the only serial killer impacted by pornography. A 1985 study conducted by the FBI found that of the 36 serial killers observed, "81% said their biggest sexual interest was in reading pornography." 

Pornography desensitizes you. Desensitization is defined as "a numbed pleasure response, or inability to achieve the same 'high' a consumer once did." You get your "high" from the chemical dopamine, which can be caused when you, for example, enjoy a great meal. Other "highs" can come from smoking, drugs, or alcohol. It can come from porn consumption as well. Dopamine basically tells your brain that "This is really enjoyable. Let's keep doing this." Eventually, that craving won't satisfy you, so your brain will demand you find other ways to get that "high" again. This can lead to exposure to hardcore pornography, which will refuel that high. Until you need a new way to get "high..." Porn addiction degrades your brain the same way alcohol or drug addiction degrades you. Check out the articles from Fight The New Drug to learn how porn degrades your mind (under Individuals).

Now, does this mean if someone is addicted to porn, that they will turn out like Ted Bundy or Arthur Bishop (who raped and murdered 5 young boys)? Of course not. We cannot assume everyone will be the worst case scenario. Nor can we assume that pornography is the reason Ted Bundy became a murderer. Bundy himself said, "I tell you that I am not blaming pornography. I am not saying that it caused me to go out and do certain things. And I take full responsibility for whatever I have done, and all the things I have done." I believe the same. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Bundy's consumption of pornography wasn't the sole reason he became a murderer. He knew what he was doing, and he knew it was wrong.

Nonetheless, any forms of pornography are dangerous, and we cannot keep claiming it's such an innocent industry. We cannot ignore how porn warps your mind, heart, and spirit. Look at how things have worsened since the time of Ted Bundy with pornography consumption. Exposure to hardcore pornography is getting younger. Enough is enough. We cannot ignore the impact pornography has on the mind.

If you or someone you know is struggling with porn addiction, please do not get discouraged. There is hope! Check out either Fortify or Love Always Ministries. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything. 

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