You know, I wouldn't be so upset at this, but this has become the "norm" in our society. Someone can viciously attack and injure someone based on who they support. This new “norm” comes from one place: The Left. If a conservative or a Republican were to do this to a Democrat, I would condemn it. I don't support physically/mentally hurting those with differing opinions But these attacks always come from the Left, and the Left rarely comments on this. You never heard AOC condemn the attacks at the ICE facility, where the shooter wrote in his manifesto that AOC inspired him to commit this crime. What about Antifa attacks, where conservatives are injured? For people who claim that “words hurt more than anything,” they're silent when it comes to violence against others. Who could forget what happened to Andy Ngo, the journalist who ended up in the hospital for reporting at an Antifa rally? I would hope both sides can agree on this: violence is NEVER the answer.

We all have differing opinions. That’s fine. This girl I follow, Lindy, tweeted this about politics. She tagged me saying I gave her the idea for the tweet. That's how things should be. You say you don't like Trump. Okay. I support Trump. That's okay. Even this guy I was partners with for a group project is a Leftist. He knows I'm a Trump supporter, and we're still good acquaintances. He congratulated me when I said that I hit 5,000 views on my blog. What happened to Tyler shows the evils of society, where someone can attack you for having a different viewpoint. This reminds me of what happened to a student at UF. Daniel Weldon wore Trump gear for the 4th of July. While out to get food, students verbally and physically attacked him. Daniel was a linebacker for the Gators, and I've met him. You can tell he played football. Nice guy, and he said he wouldn’t attack those girls because “he wasn’t raised that way.” He included, "It just goes to show there is a lot of people on the Left that don’t care or know anything about you, but they see one aspect of who you are and instantly have this blind hatred for you.”
Hurting someone because you hate who they support is not effective. The Left doesn't understand this, and the Right doesn't speak out against this enough. What does attacking someone prove? That the only way to get someone to listen to you is by causing them bodily harm? That's not a solution, that's fascism. Anyone who agrees is a coward. A huge reason this happened is the media and the Left lying about conservatives. Or the fact no major news outlet reported this? Calling us racists, Nazis, or white supremacists is normal for Leftists, but they don't realize how their words impact their listeners. Another part is the parents. Either the parents encouraged these behaviors, or they weren’t aware. Education doesn't only come from school; it comes from parents. Become better parents. Obviously, I blame the kids. Those kids are probably 14+. Every 14-year-old knows beating someone up is not okay. Society has a major problem on its hands, and it needs fixing. Violence isn’t the answer. Society must become a God-fearing nation again, because the further away God is, the more this will happen. Politics is just an opinion. Even if you disagree with someone's opinion, it doesn’t make it okay to hurt them. End of discussion.
I didn't watch the video, and I refuse to. It makes me sick to see conservatives get beat up by leftists. The teens who beat up the boy are raised by horrible parents. It all starts at home. I hope the boy is okay, and I hope the parents of the boy press charges on the attackers. We have to fight back, in every way that we can. I agree that Republicans don't speak out enough about this. I also believe they don't fight back enough. The Resistance are people sick with Trump Derangement Syndrome and they don't care how polite you are. All I can say is that if some Resistance member attacked me, I'd fight back.
ReplyDeleteIt's terrible what happened to this child. If it was the other way around, where a group of white boys attacked a black girl, the media and BLM would be going insane. TDS affects everyone.
DeleteThe mainstream media is to blame as well. They purposely try to incite violence against the right by their rhetoric. Evil Bastards!
ReplyDeleteIt's unbelievable that this is where we've hit as a society. Even kids aren't safe.
DeleteI never thought I'd be the inspiration for a new Young Patriot Rising article :o I am extremely flattered.
ReplyDeleteThe key to being a reasonable, non-aggressive person is to not act superior to 53 million Americans and call them brainwashed. If I were a Trump supporter hearing this from the Left every day I would scream.
I agree with you on a lot of things you write here. I'm happy to have met you at YWLS and stayed connected through Twitter/FB. Keep writing!
Well you weren't the main inspiration LOL. But I liked what you said, and felt it was important to mention. These extremists think their opinions are better. Loved meeting you too! Thanks!