Favorite Guest Articles Featured on this Platform

I've had many guest articles featured on my blog. 15 to be exact! I thought I could share which ones have really stood out to me. That's not to demean the other guest articles, but the ones I chose really intrigued me to read, and that's why I included them. This is definitely a filler post but I figured I could discuss this since I haven't done this one yet!

Why I Left The Democrats: My first guest article! This was from my friend, Conservative Book Reviews. She discontinued her blog after the results of the election. Can't say I blame her, but I miss having her on here! This one was certainly interesting because I never had someone who was an ex-Democrat turned Trump supporter on here, so I really enjoyed reading what she wanted to say.

Rules for Radicals: This was another guest article from CBR. She wrote a book review about this one, and I was shocked by what I read. It's exactly what the Establishment's rulebook is. Read this one. You'll learn a lot like I did.

Capitalism Is a Virtuous System: This was one of the many guest articles from Gen Z Conservative. I have to say this one was my favorite. I found it intriguing to hear about because I'm always one to learn new things. I learned a lot during this article!

A Letter From The Wife of a Police Officer: This article was certainly different from what I had featured here. And with how cops are being treated today, this article rings as one of my most important ones. Realizing what cops really go through isn't easy to hear. It broke my heart to read this because I could never imagine what it is like to be in this position, where everyone is judging your every move. I couldn't imagine what it's like being a loved one to someone in that position. LEO wives are amazing.

For Whom Is The Kingdom of Heaven: A friend of mine from Campus Reform wrote this article. I found it very uplifting because, at the time, we were dealing with a lot of hardships as a country. Reading this one felt like a light in a dark world, so I wanted to include this in my list.

Liberty Lost During Covid-19: This came from a high schooler named Haley, and she asked me to write a post about her thoughts on losing liberty during Covid-19. She currently lives in New York, and she has vented to me many times about how she hates living in the New York because Cuomo is a tyrant. Her article had a unique perspective, and I found it an interesting and informative article that many people need to learn more on. Liberty lost during the pandemic is something people need to realize.

The Hypocrisy of Third World Feminism: This article from Kyra Bowlby was a short but great read! She wrote a fantastic article on the obvious criticisms from today's feminist movement. I loved how she said if feminists really cared about empowering women, they'd empower all women and not just the ones who fit their agenda.

I hope you liked this list of my favorite guest articles! If you'd like to submit a guest article to be featured on here, please let me know! I always welcome new articles. I also wanted to hear your thoughts on this: I have been wanting to interview someone who works in fighting human trafficking, but to no avail have I received a response. Someone I do want to interview is Tim Tebow. He really inspired me to get involved in the business of fighting human trafficking, and I'd love the chance to speak with Tebow. It's definitely aiming for the stars, but what's it going to hurt? Anyway, let me know what you think!

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