- I’m grateful for my family. As usual, my family are so supportive of me. My parents are always willing to drive me places I need to be, or go with me anywhere I need them to. This is hard on them. My mom always is my chauffeur, and my dad will pay for anything that he knows would make me happy. My sister, as much as we argue, will always do anything for me. When I was laid up from my wisdom teeth surgery for over a week, she took care of mainly everything for me. My brother is special to me because of obvious reasons. He’s my little buddy, and the most important thing in my life. I’m also grateful to my mom’s parents, who do anything I may ask for. I’m grateful to my whole family who were very understanding after my wisdom teeth surgery.
- I’m grateful for all the friends I’ve made. As many of you know, I decided to get more involved in politics. I’m involved with my TPUSA chapter at UF, the College Republicans, and the Trump Victory Campaign. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many people, as well as call them my friends. Some have even helped me by giving me advice on improving my blog. They all love and share my blog. I've met some wonderful people this semester, and I can't wait to collaborate with them, and meet others like them! I'm also grateful for the opportunities I've had this year through my interactions with these new friends I've made, like meeting Donald Trump Jr., Dennis Baxley, Graham Allen (again!), and more.
- I’m grateful for this country and my POTUS. Yeah, I know. I went making this all political. But it’s the truth. We have so many luxuries as a country that others can only dream of. Our freedoms are precious and God given rights. Certain people are unfaithful to the U.S., and its people. That’s why I’m also grateful to have a President who takes being continuously bashed by the media, and still help Americans. While the impeachment hearings were happening with the Do-Nothing-Democrats, Donald Trump and his wife were visiting Delaware, where a pilot was being put to rest. Even though he is being dragged through the trenches because the Left hates anything that improves Americans’ lives, he is still placing Americans as number one. How do you guys like Donald Trump tweeting the picture of himself with Rocky's body and the fake news falling for his trap? Tweet of the year. That's my President!
- I’m grateful to those who protect our country. I’ve written about this before, but our troops and police do so much for our country, and get little in return for these services. Suicide is running rampant in veterans and police officers. That’s why I wrote my articles regarding appreciating our armed forces and respecting the police. They deserve to be reminded how precious their service is.
- I am grateful to my readers. Yes you! I never would have imagined my blog would grow so high in a few months. And it’s all thanks to those of you who read my blog. I can’t tell you how much this means. I remember being depressed when I would only hit 20-30 views a week, but now I can hit 50-200+. My top three most popular posts have over 200 views. That’s amazing! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. And a special thank you to those who share my blog on social media. That helps a lot! You don’t know what it means to me. Thank you!!

What are you guys grateful for this year? Comment down below!!
What a positive post! We need posts like these with all the negativity that's going on right now with The Resistance and their never ending quests to take out President Trump. ~~~ I'm grateful for my family, my health, my President, and my blog (to name some.) I recently finished Donald Trump Jr.'s book Triggered. In one of the chapters, he discusses how Twitter, Facebook, and Google silence conservatives. I believe Google is preventing my conservative blog from hitting page one for its keywords. The same DOESN'T happen when I use the search engine Duck Duck Go. I encourage you and all of your readers to support Duck Duck Go over Google.